User Guide for Duke


Add Task

Add tasks to Duke. There are todo, deadline and event tasks.


todo [String] - Add Todo Task

Adds a new Todo task with name String.

Example of usage:

todo read book

Expected outcome:

 Added Task:
 [T][X] read book

deadline [String] /by [dateTimeString] - Add Deadline Task

Adds a new Deadline task with name String, and deadline dateTimeString.

Example of usage:

deadline finish 2103 /by 12/09/2020 1500

Expected outcome:

 Added Task:
 [D][x] finish 2103 (by: Sep 13 2020 1500)

event [String] /at [dateTimeString] - Add Event Task

Adds a new Event task with name String, and time dateTimeString.

Example of usage:

event attend meeting /at 12/09/2020 1500

Expected outcome:

   Added Task:
   [E][x] attend meeting (at: Sep 13 2020 1500)

Complete Task

Completes a task that has already been created.


done [int] - Complete task at int position of user’s task

Marks the int task as done.

Example of usage:

done 1 - Marks the first task in the list as done.

Expected outcome:

Nice! I've marked this task as done: 
 [D][✓] finish 2103 (by: Sep 13 2020 1500)


Displays list of tasks.

## Usage


Expected outcome:

 Here are your current tasks:
  1.[T][✓] eat dinner
  2.[T][x] wash clothes


Saves list of tasks and exits bot.



Expected outcome:

Bye! Message me anytime!!